Monday 24 March 2014

Happy, Happy, Happy!! 24-3-14


Another exhausting week! We are pleased to report that we hit standards of excellence again this week! When we do that, the following P-day we just want to sleep and sleep and sleep because it takes so much work to be in the VC half our day and still teach so many lessons in the remaining few hours we have! But it's great! We love working hard! Can you believe we are in week 4 of Sister Garcia's second transfer and my fourth transfer?!?!!?! Where does the time go?! I had my fourth exchange this week, it was with Sister Duval again and I just love her! We had a great time together and we taught lots of lessons and worked with lots of members. We went to the EQP's house and he has these four little kiddies and they answered every question with "happy" it was so hilarious! We got a nice referral out of the visit and built our relationship with the members. It was just a great day! I want to serve with her before she goes home in five months :0  We laughed so much last night at the VC because Sister Garcia made a little hand sized cutout of the Holy Ghost that looks like a 5 year old has made, and we dared Sister Duval to use it at the Christus and so she was with this couple and she was holding it on her lap and when she said "I know that the Holy Ghost will help you learn your mission language" she just whipped it out and held him up for them to see and said "He will be here to help you" and Sister Garcia and I were just CRYING with laughter behind them. We will work on our reverence. But it was hilarious. We are now each under the challenge of getting the Holy Ghost out during our lessons and saying "Are you feeling him right now? I promise he's here." hahahahahha. We have too much fun in the VC! Cool experience yesterday - we went to Church in the morning for T's confirmation and were scheduled for VC at 3pm, so when Church finished at 12pm we had plans but I just really felt like we needed to go back to the VC. So we drove back and went inside not knowing why we were there, and Sister Watkins saw me and called me into her office and told me all about how like no Sisters had turned up for shift cos some were sick and some just didn't come and they had like tons of buses come and it was so stressful so we put our flags on our name tags and went to work! We did an 8 hour shift yesterday but it was so great to be led by the Spirit. I saw this one black woman sitting by herself so I went and introduced myself and sat down next to her and she told me she's not a member but is from Georgia visiting cos her roommate is Mormon and wanted to show her the Temple while they're on a trip. I went in for the kill and was talking about Joseph Smith and she started laughing and said that I don't have to do this, she is a Church Representative from the MTC and she gets paid to act like a non-member to see if the missionaries are doing their job and if the MTC needs to train the VC Sisters better etc.  I was SO pleased that I spoke to her and didn't ignore her haha!

T got baptized on Saturday morning! It was so beautiful! Her parents cried! Her mother is less active but has one of the strongest testimony's I've ever heard, and her Dad is not a member but wants to get baptized but they aren't married yet. Bishop Brigham went to visit them and told them that he could marry them whenever they want, and we are helping them to quit smoking this week so hopefully we will see him baptized in a few weeks maybe! We love their family so much! Even though this area has been really tough a lot of the time, there's some people who you just know you are there for, and they are one of them. After Tiana's baptismal interview, her Mum was just glowing and crying and we talked to her and she just thanked us so sincerely for coming on missions and finding her family and being persistent because they kept cancelling on us but we kept rescheduling and didn't just give up and she is so so so grateful. We cried together and we just love each other so much. They're one of the families I want to be with in the Celestial Kingdom. They are having us over for dinner on Friday night too so that will be funnnnnn :)

E, our Philippine investigator is still going strong with her cutting down on cigarettes and is still wanting to be baptized in April 19th. She was really low last week and wanted to commit suicide so she told us that she sped down the road in her car toward the cliff that has the river below it and had full intention of dying but before she got to the edge of the cliff she felt her hand being pushed to put the car in "park" when she was driving that fast and it skidded to a halt. She cried and cried and said she knew God had done that and that He told her she needed to be baptized. So she has come to Church for the last two weeks and is quitting smoking. It's always hard with eternagators like her (eternal investigators) because she's been on date for baptism so many times before so sometimes it's easy to think that she'll fall off date again but we have the faith that because of this miracle this is the time for her!

I just want to take a moment to tell you how much I love Elder Watkins the VC Director! I love being VC Trainer cos I get to be like his Secretary and he is extremely technologically illiterate and I have to help him send emails and so on Saturday he asked me and Sister Garcia to come to his home and help him put some pictures of quad bikes on Craig's List hahah! He had to answer the phone at some point of the adventure so while he wasn't looking, Sister Garcia got a picture of myself and her out of her scriptures and we put it on their bookshelf in the arms of the Christus statue that they have! We had to try SO HARD to not laugh and the next day Sister Watkins told us she saw our picture and that it was the most hilarious thing she'd ever seen! She said she wanted to keep it forever!

We had so many buses yesterday at the VC; it's really starting to pick up! I love the thrill of seeing the bus approaching on the cameras and getting out all the Das Buch Mormon's and the Le livre De Mormon's etc and saying Bonjour to everyone! I'm picking up the basics in talking to them but still am extremely far from giving a tour of any description haha!

It was such a shame this week because we received a referral from Headquarters so we had to visit this apartment in our area. We got there and had the best lesson ever and he wanted to see us again and then it turned out he is YSA age so we have to hand him over to the YSA Elders :((((( But then as we were walking back to our car this woman was walking her dog so we stopped and petted the dog and talked to her and she told us that she met with Missionaries last year but they stopped coming and that she felt SO good when they visited with her! I was feeling bold so I invited her to be baptized on April 19th right there on the street and she accepted haha!! But then it turned out she is 29 so just barely YSA so we will hand her over to the Elders too. It was just a sad day because it would've been two new investigators and one more on date but instead we had to hand them all over! But it's okay because we're all playing for the same team :) We don't want to poach investigators from the Elders haha. But we did find two more investgiators - two teenage girls who live with their grandparents who are members. Their Mum died last year and their Dad isn't a member and lives in Vernal. We showed the Restoration DVD and committed them to be baptized in April too! The Spirit was SO STRONG in that lesson. Maybe stronger than ever! Sister Garcia couldn't talk cos she could only cry, and we just know how special those two girls are to Heavenly Father. It was incredible. But when we went back a few days ago the younger girl has decided to not meet with us anymore and doesn't have a reason that she's telling us. It was so sad. I got in the car afterwards and just felt like crying. It hurts so much every single time someone doesn't want to continue because I know how much they are giving up. When you love them THAT MUCH after just one lesson and have all these hopes for them it's devastating. I kinda hope it doesn't stop hurting that much ever because it means that I still love and put my whole heart into these people.

We had a cool Sisters Training Meeting  this week; we did a conference with some people in Provo and Salt Lake and they completely re-did the online teaching. The system has all changed and we are learning now how to chat and how to call. It's great! It is helping us to actually fulfil our missionary purpose rather than just answer questions. I love how much it used to hurt to get an abusive chat and now I'm just like whattevvvverrrr! Missionary work is the BEST!

OK time to get back to saving some souls!
Sister Nicholls

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