Dear loved ones,
I can honestly say that this Christmas was one of the best in my life. It is always hard to be away from beloved family and friends, but it just felt so special to be a missionary and to have that personal relationship with Christ my Saviour. Let me start with some special experiences of this week before going into the Christmas shenanigans!
So we knocked on the door of this YSA Hispanic boy who lives with his family and miracle of miracles he was home. (This was actually last week on Sister West's last night but I forgot to include it last week). It was about 8:50pm so the last ten minutes of Sister West's work as a missionary. We were thrilled to go inside and he started telling us that he doesn't believe in organised religion and that he is spiritual but not religious, yada yada yada heard it all before, and we showed him He Is The Gift. He liked that and it brought a nice spirit in. He said that he would believe what we were saying is true if God told him. We asked him if it would be alright if the Holy Spirit told him instead of God and he said he could deal with that so we offered to pray with him and I offered the prayer. After invoking the blessings of heaven upon him and the household there was the sweetest feeling of peace in the home and at the conclusion of the prayer he looked thoughtful and said "I already feel it" and it was such a beautiful moment! He committed to seeing us again and said he would definitely be there. I love being a servant of the Lord and sharing His blessings with His beloved children. It was a great high moment for Sister West to go home with!
We had another miracle. We were one person away from making our monthly goal and we had five minutes left on Sunday evening when the Elders told us that they have a new investigator for us who lives in our area and is on date for baptism in January and went to Church. It was so perfect! I've learned how Heavenly Father truly does want us to meet our goals and it's important to us so it's important to Him and He loves His children and all we have to do is pray and work and He provides everything else.
I've seen lots of Visitor Centre miracles this week too. I had a non member woman come in who was so moved upon by the Holy Spirit she could barely step foot into the Christus room. She just cried and said she sees the Holy Spirit within my eyes. It was a very special moment. I also had a Chinese family come in who took a Book of Mormon and asked us lots of questions. That Visitors' Centre never ceases to amaze me that every day we have miracle after miracle. We get the most non members in any VC other than Temple Square in Salt Lake City and we are the biggest apart from Temple Square. I am so blessed to serve there and see the miracles come day after day. We have had lots of German non members too this week which Sister Lipke has been happy about!!
I couldn't sleep all night, it felt like, because I was so excited to Skype you in the morning! I was SO excited! We got up and opened presents and I loved all of them!! The one that has proved most useful is the scripture highlighter haha #missionarygifts but thank you for everything!!! I love it all. Thank you to everyone who thought of me. We then went to the VC Sisters and Senior Couples breakfast and gift exchange. There was a chocolate fountain and it was so much fun! Then we went back to the Borcherts and I GOT TO TALK TO YOU!!!!! BEST PART OF THE YEAR! After crying a little bit Sister Lipke and I laid out by the fireplace and slept. It was so nice to just lay on the floor by the fireplace and take a nap. I dreamed I was out street contacting though haha #missionarydreams We played lots of games like reverse charades which was hilarious. Then we had to do our shift at the Visitors' Centre and I remembered what you said Dad about finishing strong and working hard so that I have I no regrets when I go home and what Luke said about going home to the apartment pleased with what I've accomplished that day. So I began sharing my testimony with EVERYONE I saw. It was so fun because I didn't do it awkwardly like "I'd like to bear my testimony that..." but I just smoothly slipped into it and most of the time it led into a great tour or referral! So thank you for that encouragement, Heavenly Father knew what I needed. Then we went in the evening and had a Zone Testimony Meeting and watched Ephraim's Rescue. It was so beautiful :') I love hearing missionary's testimonies. It was such a spiritual evening and one that I will never forget. I love the missionaries here in the St George mission!!
We were privileged to go to Little Valley again on Saturday for the baptism of L. We began teaching her back in June, Sister Rizzo and I, and she got baptised! She came into the Visitors' Centre this week and invited myself and Sister Biery so we got permission from President Center to go together. It was so fun to be in Little Valley with Sister Biery again! The baptism went very well and I'm so happy to see that she was ready to make that step :)
Well this is my last email for the year of 2014. I cannot believe where it has gone. I feel like just yesterday I laid in my Washington apartment's rock solid, freezing, bed and set goals for 2014, the only year of my life when I would be a missionary for the complete year. I set the goal to work hard every single day, to love everyone put in my path and to change myself and others every day. I cannot believe where the time has gone and I continue to set goals and become the person the Saviour needs me to be for Him and for my future family and life. I LOVE this year. It has been the best year of my life and I have learned and changed so much. I wouldn't change a single day of it because it has moulded me and my testimony. I love every single person I have met and need all of them. I have been blessed SO abundantly it brings tears to my eyes to think that He has strengthened me enough to have brought me through a year of missionary service. I feel so indebted that it makes me want to serve more and longer! I absolutely love my mission and I have loved 2014 and the hard times and the blessed times. How can I ever show my thanks truly? I love you all and can't wait to see you next year ;) I will be thinking about you ALLL day on New Year's Eve. I'll say a little prayer for you at 5pm here when it's the new year for you. I love you all SO MUCH and pray thanks for you every single day!
Signing off for 2014
I love you all
Sister Nicholls
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