I'm going to start out by saying how I was right last week. I am ALWAYS surprised at transfer calls, and this time was no different. So Saturday morning came and I was feeling nervous, anticipating that anything could happen. There was going to be a trio of Sisters this transfer due to an uneven amount of Sisters so I thought that that could be me too. But after hours of painful studies just looking at the phone, we went to work in our area. No ONE answered and our one appointment stood us up, so we decided to do our weekly planning back in our apartment. On the way home, we drove by the mission office. Sister Biery said she needed the bathroom and wanted to check if we had any mail (because they don't send it out on week 6 of the transfer) so we went in and walked through the office to use the bathroom and waved at the AP's making the calls. A few minutes later they followed us out and were walking up the hallway towards us. They asked if we wanted our transfer call and we said YESSS so they said "Sisters, you'll be leaving your area, and staying together as a companionship to open Dixie 1.5" AHHHHH so it's exciting because we share the Stake with them.
They cover a whole bunch of Wards and we cover 5 of them, just in central St George. It's scary because they're GREAT missionaries and get things done, so we are going to work our best to keep up and get things done. There are two Young Single Adult Stakes in St George (not like Provo with it's 50 Stakes haha) and they covered all of it, and now there is the 1st Stake which is covered by us and the AP's and then the 2nd Stake which is covered by another set of Elders. So it's fun to be in a team with cool people. When they told us I screamed so loud that a baby started crying and we hugged and screamed and jumped and were SO excited. It couldn't be more different from Little Valley. There are non members all over the place from all over the world and they actually listen to what you have to say. So it's GREAT!
Dad you'd be proud, I took a Dutch family around the VC and they LIKED it. I love the Dutch people because they make me feel closer to you. They are the nicest European groups we ever get. This week has been creeper central in the VC. That polygamist guy I wrote to you last week about? He came back and wouldn't leave me alone and said creepy things to me and the other Sisters said he was looking at me wayyyyyyyy too much so I went and hid in the break room until he left. It was a looonng time to sit there looking at the walls haha. But he was scary!! It's such a shame when that happens because all you want to do is give them a chance at eternal life and all they want is to be creepy #boys BUT now I'm in YSA it's more prominent! We had two boys invite us out to breakfast yesterday and we were like "As long as there's teaching involved...and it's at the Visitor's center....at 3:00pm....we can be there then!" hahhaa
I have to tell you about the best Zone Conference of my entire mission. Remember a few weeks ago we got told that there would be an impromptu Zone Conference so rumours of Jeffrey R Holland were flying around? Well it was better than that. It was a missionary testimony meeting. I wish I could put into words how sacred that meeting was to me. I feel like that about my whole mission though, how can I put it into words? So we first had to drive to the chapel and were instructed to leave our hood and trunk popped with our keys in the front drivers seat and the doors unlocked. It was a sight to behold all these cars in the car park with their hoods and trunks open. CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT IN ESSEX? We came out of the meeting and everyone's cars were still there and the keys were in the ignition after they'd all been checked! I was astounded haha. Everyone's testimonies were so touching. We get to bear our testimonies every day, and the missionaries we work alongside of are our best friends, but we don't really know each other that well. We know each other's strengths, and each other's spirits, but we don't KNOW things about each other - where we came from, our struggles, how Christ has helped us personally. It was a beautiful meeting and I thought that the chapel would be translated at any second because the Spirit was so strong. It was the boost we all needed. I was sitting by a window and saw cars rushing by and everyone running around in the world and I knew that there was nowhere else I'd want to be, and nowhere else I'd ever want to be than in Zion. Have I ever mentioned how much I love my mission? I have 5 transfers left and it sounds like ages but it's gone by soooo fast that I know how fast this will go by. But knowing how short it is left makes me want to work harder, it doesn't make me trunky. I have so much to learn every single day, and it seems like the longer I'm on my mission the more imperfections I find with myself. I am really learning how to use the Atonement and how to use prayer and how to not be hard on myself. I expect way too much of myself compared to what the Saviour expects of me. I am learning that I'm not perfect, but that that is okay. In fact, that's how it is supposed to be. I love it :) I'm leaning on my Saviour for support and He is lifting me up.
We started working in our new area yesterday. I am thrilled to still have Sister Biery because she helps me to be better. We nervously walked to the dorms that we cover and began knocking. It's scary because there's been such a legacy of great missionaries there that they all still remember and love and it's easy to feel inadequate and terrified. But there have been so many tender mercies already.We fasted together to be placed in the right places to find the elect, and as we were fasting a woman approached us and told us she is a landlord for an apartment complex we cover and that 3 non members moved in and so did one of the Elders who served here who has gone home. He is attending DSU now and lives there with them! So that was cool! Then yesterday we just knocked and knocked and we have 7 return appointments with non members, and taught two of them right there and then. YSA seem to be great for letting us in. We just say we are here to teach about Jesus and that it will help them be happier. We are being really bold and telling them that there's a Prophet on the earth and he's called us to come to them and tell them that Christ's true church has been restored. They usually listen to that and invite us in straight away! It blows me away every time. No one was rude to us, and non members made return appointments. When does that ever happen in Little Valley?! We texted our 21 year old RM Ward Mission leaders and they have coordinated for other students to be at our appointments. It's so great! It's a walking area so we walk everywhere. I am reminded of the Washington ache, where I was being trained in that walking area and got aches and muscles in places I didn't know existed. SO I LOVE walking. And we don't have dinner appointments because they are all students so I'm losing weight and it's the best.
Pray for me please, new areas are always scary. It's my third time re-opening and I feel like President Center must think I haven't quite gotten it right yet so I need to keep doing it again and again. It's scary but I love a challenge, it always brings me to my knees and helps me learn more about the Saviour.
I adore you all
Sister Nicholls
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